KSP Health is involved in several quality programs to help maintain focus on quality of care and have accountability to deliver that high quality of care.
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Kelli Miller

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About Kelli Miller

Reliable and caring Family Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse with 15 + years of experience in the healthcare field. In-depth understanding of all aspects of patient care and counseling. Friendly and compassionate with excellent interpersonal communication skills. Discreet and confidential in all dealings with patients and staff. Board-certified, independent healthcare provider licensed to treat patients of all ages in: Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, New York and Texas . In my free time I enjoy hiking, fly fishing and listening to music. I am very passionate about mental health and thyroid disease, but as a family nurse practitioner I am open to seeing all patients.

Speciality : Family Medicine/ Mental Health/ Thyroid Disease

Therapy to whom :  Adults

Services : Adult primary care/ Adult urgent Care