KSP Health is involved in several quality programs to help maintain focus on quality of care and have accountability to deliver that high quality of care.

Welcome to KSP Health Quick appointments and support from trusted telemedicine specialists. Appointments are available every day of the week. Contact Us

A Great Place
for Medical Care

All appointments are done via telemedicine

Appointments will be completed within a week.

You do not need a referral to be able to see our specialists - simply book an appointment online.

We work with most insurance companies. There are no additional fees to use our service.

If you need labs or imaging studies, we will work together to find a location close to your home where these can be done.


We Are Your
Partners For Life

The team at KSP Health understands that consistent and trusted relationships are valuable in the life of a child. Our doctors always want children, parents, and guardians to feel comfortable expressing their concerns, and to be satisfied with their medical care. Working together on a child's healthcare is a great partnership of trust.

Our quality is Unsurpassed

You can easily consult a provider online using our website. The online healthcare platform aims to connect you to the best specialist for your child who can help to manage and treat various medical conditions which occur in children. Book an appointment online and have your appointment take place, all from the comfort and safety of home.

Information for Patients

KSP Health provides medical care for both Adults and Children for all patients without requiring to travel to see your specialist.

Self Referral

Do you want your child to see a specialist? You do not have to be referred to us by a doctor. To set up an appointment on your own, simply e-mail us. Send us the reason for the appointment and fill out the demographics form which is available at the bottom of this page.

Provider Referral

Do you want us to see your patient? Please fax us the patient facesheet, reason for the referral, recent clinical notes, and the patients contact information. We will send you a copy of the note after we see your patient.

Inpatient and Emergency Room Support

Do you have a patient at your facility who needs a pediatrician or pediatric specialty consult? We welcome curb-side consults. Call us at anytime, 24/7. Please fax us a facesheet and recent labs and clinical notes.

Transfer care

Have you moved or already have a diagnosis but no longer want to travel to see your specialist? We can take over your medical management. We will request previous medical records if needed when we schedule your visit.

Contact us for more information or book an appointment