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Stephen Dodd

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About Stephen Dodd

Stephen earned his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Abilene Christian University in 1996 and then earned a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Laboratory Sciences from Texas Tech University in 1999. He moved to Midland, Texas and earned his Master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies from Texas Tech in 2003. Stephen has specialized in orthopedics since 2003 and spent one year working in spinal orthopedics. He has taken special interest in sports medicine and has worked with Dr. Donald Floyd MD to treat local sports teams including the AA Midland Rockhounds baseball team, Midland College Chaparrals, Midland High School athletics and many more of the local high school teams. For 20 years, Stephen had been one of the leading providers in the Permian Basin with advanced training and experience in general orthopedic , spinal and trauma orthopedic surgery, ultrasound and physical rehabilitation

Speciality : Family Medicine/ Urgent Care/ Adult Primary Care

Therapy to whom :  Adults

Services : Adult primary care/ Adult urgent Care/ Sports medicine/ Rehabilitation/ Orthopedics